Our Mission

Bringing Beavers Back to London

The Ealing Beaver Project was born out of a vision to reintroduce beavers to an urban setting, enhancing biodiversity and engaging the community in wildlife conservation. Our mission is to create a sustainable environment where humans and beavers can thrive together, enriching the local ecosystem.

How beavers came to urban London

The Ealing Beaver Project Timeline

  • Feb 2020

    Idea Inception:
    Sean and Elliot meet for the first time at a presentation at Kew Gardens by Chloe Sadler, Beaver Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust about beaver projects.

  • Nov 2020

    London Beaver Working Group established: 
    Citizen Zoo established the London Beaver Working Group with the help of Chris Jones from the Beaver Trust. 

  • Site scoping visit at Paradise Fields

    Jan 2022

    Site selection visits:
    Project partners accompanied by Beaver Trust representative scope out suitable sites for beaver reintroductions

  • Feb 2022

    Public consultation begins:
    Ealing Wildlife Group leads public consultation regarding the project including an online survey, in person talks, and events with the Friends of Horsenden.

  • July 2022

    License submitted:
    Following a habitat feasibility assessment by the Beaver Trust and the University of Exeter, the reintroduction license application was submitted to Natural England.

  • Jan 2023

    License approved!
    Natural England approves a five-year license for beavers to be reintroduced to a fenced enclosure in Paradise Fields, Ealing!

  • Feb 2023

    Funding secured!
    Project receives funds from Ealing Council to create the 8-hectare enclosure and from London Mayor's Rewild London Fund for staff expenses.

  • Apr 2023

    Bavaria Trip:
    Sean and Elliot join a Bavaria trip organized by Derek Gow and Gerhard Schwab to learn more about beaver management.

  • Apr 2023

    Funding for Public Engagement:
    Consano Earth funds a small film documenting the project as well as field signage for the site.

  • Aug 2023

    Enclosure construction begins:
    With support from fencing contractors, a 1.2 Km fence around the 8-Hectare beaver enclosure is installed to comply with license requirements.

  • Aug 2023

    Mural Installed:
    The fantastically talented artist Shauna Blanchfield installed the beaver mural at the underpass leading to Paradise Fields, funded by Greenford Quay

  • Sep 2023

    Sourcing the beavers:
    Beaver Trust identified a family of beavers in a conflict zone to be translocated to the Ealing Beaver Project 

  • Oct 2023

    Beaver health check:
    Sean and Elliot meet Beaver Trust's vet Romain in Scotland, undertaking the health inspection for the beavers

  • Oct 2023

    Release Day!
    A family of 5 beavers was translocated and released at Paradise Fields, Ealing, London, making it the first urban beaver reintroduction fully accessible to public!

RTE Radio One

cover the story of bringing beavers back to London with Sean McCormack in an episode of Nature on One

Looking Ahead

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